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Tendencias Gerenciales

C. Largacha, E. von Kimakowitz, M. Pirson, H. Spitzeck, C. Dierksmeier, W. Amman

Tendencias Gerenciales

Spanish Version: Humanistic Management in Practice

2014, 286 Pages, ISBN: 978-958-771-109-7
Publishers: ECOE Ediciones
Full Citation: Tendencias Gerenciales, Largacha-Martinez, C., von Kimakowitz, E., Spitzeck, H., Pirson, M., Dierksmeier, C., Amann, W. (Eds.) (2014). Bogotá: ECOE Ediciones

Tendencias Gerenciales (Trends in Management) is a collection of business cases from all corners of the globe with a Latin American focus, in a variety of industries and sizes. What unites this group of businesses is that all of them are highly successful market actors in a competitive environment and yet they consider their ultimate raison d'etre as the generation of societal benefit rather than maximum profit.

These companies are managed as an integrated and responsive part of society and complement theoretical arguments on a humanistic management approach with proof of concept. They demonstrate that managerial freedom includes the option to align social purpose and business success.

Humanistic management has a profoundly liberating effect on a company by putting people first and integrating the desire to generate benefits for all stakeholders into managerial decision making. Consequently, internal as well as external stakeholders can derive meaning and find purpose in a company's activities that create value for society, making them loyal customers, engaged employees, long-term-oriented investors and collaborative civil society stakeholders. True business leadership proves that business success and societal benefit generation can go hand in hand.

With this book The Humanistic Management Network presents convincing evidence of businesses that stand out by showing that it is not only possible for companies to earn healthy profits when putting people first, but that those who do, deliver outstanding results to their owners and to society.

Prólogo a la versión en español

Introducción: La Red de Gerencia Humanista en Acción

Primera parte. Emprendimiento y responsabilidad social

1. Mondragón: ¿Algo como esto puede estar en nuestro futuro?
2. ViewsCorp: Emprendimiento Multilatino que nos transforma
3. Grupo Ixtlán: La empresa social indígena como fuente de desarrollo

Segunda parte. Liderazgo en grandes empresas

4. ¿Qué le apasiona? La invitación de Semco a una gerencia participativa
5. ¿Pueden las empresas y el humanismo ir de la mano? Tata Group y el caso de la Planta Nano
6. Cascades Inc. (1959-2009): Algunas lecciones de una organización sólida
7. Estilo de liderazgo basado en el diálogo como parte de la cultura organizacional humanista: El caso de dm en Alemania
8. AES Corporation - Sirviendo a la gente y a la sociedad
9. El lado humano del acero: el caso TenarisTamsa

Tercera parte. Estrategia y talento humano

10. Bancoldex. Agencia de Desarrollo Estatal Colombiana
11. Wainwright Bank and Trust y su estudio de caso. La Gerencia Humanista en práctica
12. ABN AMRO REAL - Un nuevo banco para una nueva sociedad

A manera de conclusión: capitalismo no acumulativo


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Humanistic Management in Practice Vol.II

E. v. Kimakowitz, H. Schirovsky, C. Largacha-Martinez, C. Dierksmeier

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