R. Blomme, B. Van Hoof (Eds.)
Another State of Mind
Persepctives from Wisdom Traditions on Management and Business
2014, 355 pages, ISBN: 9781137425805
Publishers: Palgrave Macmillan
Full Citation: Another State of Mind, Perspectives from the Wisdom Traditions on Management and Business, Blomme, R., Van Hoof, B. (Eds.) (2014). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan
Since time immemorial, man has been engaged in the pursuit of wisdom. We are in search of 'wise' ideas on ways to cope with daily problems and answers to the everyday judgments and decisions we have to make.
How can we make the concept of wisdom more easily accessible for managers and business professionals? What relevance does the concept of wisdom hold for those managers and professionals who are confronted with challenges and who grapple with problems and ambiguities on a daily basis? The authors of Another State of Mind go back in cultural history to answer the key question how one can act wisely in the spirit of the present age.
The perspectives offered in this book demonstrate ways to create value to your personal, professional and organizational life.
About the editors
Foreword Prasad Kaipa
Foreword Paul de Blot SJ
Part I: Introduction
1. Introduction Robert J. Blomme and Bertine van Hoof
2. An interview with Lama Yeshe Sangmo Bertine van Hoof and Robert J. Blomme
Part II: With the right state of mind
3. The art of living according to Ecclesiastes Maarten Verkerk and Jan Hoogland
4. Why Dōgen now? Lessons from Zen Buddhism for management Tetsuo Ōtani and Ingrid Shugetsu Appels
The ignition of Spinoza's enlightenment: A perspective from a practitioner on leadership Louis Aartman
6. A global ethic for globalized business Claus Dierksmeier and Katherina Hoegl
7. An interview with Gert van Dijk Bertine van Hoof and Robert J. Blomme
Part III. Leadership from within
8. Islamic leadership Eleftheria Egel
9. Unique Leadership Ulrica W.F. van Panhuys
10. The courage to govern Karin Jironet
11. An interview with Doekle Terpstra Bertine van Hoof and Robert J. Blomme
Part IV. Engagement and innovation
12. The application of Confucianism to establish a supportive working environment for creativity and innovation Grace Yu
13. The absurd organization: the insights of Albert Camus translated into management practices Robert J. Blomme
14. Appreciative inquiry and Rumi's wisdom for organizational development Amir Mehrani
15. An interview with Jeff Smulyan Bertine van Hoof and Robert J. Blomme
Part V. Creating the right conditions: community, learning and development
16. Convenantal learning: What can business learn from Jewish learning? Josh Plaskoff
17. A value-driven organization: Tata from the perspective of an insider Samita Bhattacharjee
18. The Art and Ethics of Business - Through African (Yoruba) Lenses Kemi Ogunyemi
19. An interview with Johannes Witteveen Bertine van Hoof and Robert J. Blomme
Part VI. Cross cultural perspectives on management
20. Ancient Chinese philosophy as a source of inspiration for management Huibert de Man en Helen Haijing de Haan
21. A Skillful means of Keeping to the Middle Path: A Buddhist Reflection on Processes of Change Paul van der Velde
22. Understand Chinese culture and business from the yin/yang perspective Jianhong Zhang and Chaohong Zhou
23. Leading from the inside: Self transformation in Indian spirituality Ramnath Narayanswamy
24. An interview with Sally Hindham Ludwig Möller and Bertine van Hoof
Part VII. Final Thoughts
25. Developing Wisdom for daily business Bertine van Hoof and Robert J. Blomme
Robert J. Blomme is a Full Professor of Organization Behavior at Nyenrode Business University and Director of the Nyenrode Center for Leadership and Management Development.
Bertine van Hoof is the founder of Wisdom in Business, an institution in the Netherlands which conducts teachings and publications on wisdom traditions and its translation into the management practice and business. She has a long-term experience in guiding individuals, teams and organizations in transitions and harvesting their talents.
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