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Current Research Projects

Research Project with Subsequent Publication

Myths and Misunderstandings in Corporate Responsibility

Strategic rationale: The corporate responsibility (CR) debate continues to be influenced strongly by terminological and conceptual ambiguity. This research project aims at clarifying three major myths and misunderstandings. Clarifying these will help move the CR debate towards a more factual discourse lifting some of the status quo conserving smokescreens.

Content briefing:

This research project describes and analyses three main misunderstandings in the CR debate. Together these three factors account for a large part of misguided CR activities as well as for confusion around terminological questions and the normative validity of arguments presented. These are:

  1. The raison d'ĂȘtre of businesses is to maximize profits (vs. it is to offer relevant goods and services to the benefit of wider society)
  2. Responsible corporate conduct stands in conflict with profitability (vs. it lays the foundation for earning and sustaining long term healthy profits).
  3. Corporate responsibility can be assumed by philanthropic expenditure (vs. it is about how profits are earned not only about how they are spent).

By unearthing the flaws inherent to misguided arguments in the CR debate management practitioners, policy makers and scholars receive the intellectual ammunition to respond to proponents of the status quo.

You can download our research project portfolio here.

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Current Research Projects

Case collection of leading business organizations

Humanistic Management in Practice Vol. II

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Current Research Projects

Creating next generation learning experiences

Humanistic Executive Education

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Current Research Projects

Research Project with Subsequent Publication

The Makings of Humanistic Management

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