Humanistic Management Center

About Us

The Humanistic Management Center is an independent think and action tank that provides thought leadership, learning offers and knowledge application services to nourish the paradigm shift towards a live-conducive, humanistic economic model.

We argue that turning market economies into market societies means biting the hand that feeds us for we put at risk the very foundations of social peace and cohesion as well as the natural capacity of our planet, which are indispensable for a thriving market economy. Consequently, business leaders, policy makers, and academics need to look for prescriptions that are based on an understanding of human nature that goes beyond the reductionist homo oeconomicus model. Only by overcoming this distorted view of humanity in which individuals are little more than permanently utility calculating man-machines, will we be able to generate and sustain personal wellbeing and prosperity in a global economy that allows us to enjoy the benefits of markets within societies.

About Us


Our team combines substantial experience in management practice and academia in service of our mission. With enthusiasm we work towards our shared vision and are dedicated to principles of democratic leadership and humanistic management. ... more

About Us

Advisory Board

The Humanistic Management Center is currently assembling its advisory board, seeking mission aligned individuals who can draw on substantial experience in management practice, policy making or academia. ... more

About Us

Our Mission, Our Vision

Our mission is to provide thought leadership, higher education offers and advisory services to nourish the paradigm shift away from the current economistic and towards a humanistic economic model. ... more

About Us

Humanistic Consensus

The Humanistic Management Center defends human dignity in face of its vulnerability. The dignity of the human being lies in its capacity to define autonomously the purpose of its existence. Since human autonomy realizes itself through social cooperation, economic relations and business activities can either foster or obstruct human life and well-being. ... more

About Us

Our Impact Model

The Humanistic Management Center works to make impact on three levels supporting the transformation towards a more human-centered market economy. The three levels are knowledge generation, knowledge dissemination and knowledge application. ... more

About Us

Our Organisation

Aligned to our mission, vision, and impact model, our organization is centered on three work streams. These are Knowledge Generation, Knowledge Dissemination, and Knowledge Application. ... more

About Us

Our History

We are currently experiencing a world where the human being and its fundamental needs are increasingly broken down into material necessities. The 'economization' of everyday life is supplanting humanistic ideals. These ideals, however, have been the foundation of free and democratic societies all around the world, focusing on human nature and its potential in a holistic way. ... more