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Executive Education

The executive education offers of the Humanistic Management Center aim to provide and calibrate a moral compass on the executive floor. Our aim is to empower managers to better address the challenges we face as a global community from within their core business activities.

In addition to the offers listed below we welcome requests for tailored courses or adaptations to our existing curriculum to ensure that we can best address your training needs. Please do get in touch if you have any questions about how we may be able to support your executive education efforts:

The Why, the How and the What in Business Ethics

Executive Education offer

Strengthening the moral compass on the executive floor

The Why, the How and the What in Business Ethics

This course is designed to strengthen the moral compass on the executive floor. Concepts such as CSR, corporate citizenship, corporate giving or philanthropy, compliance or generating shared value have entered most of the  ... more
Managing Stakeholder Relations

Executive Education offer

Establishing and Conducting Fruitful Stakeholder Dialogue

Managing Stakeholder Relations

The desire to transform businesses from a shareholder orientation towards a stakeholder orientation of the firm is gaining momentum at a high pace. But how can an organization establish mutually beneficial relationships with its stakeholder ... more
The ABC of CSR

Executive Education offer

Terminological and conceptual clarity in the corporate responsibility debate

The ABC of CSR

The debate on corporate social responsibility continues to enhance its footprint on the corporate agenda. Simultaneously the terminological and conceptual meaning of the main constructs in the CSR debate remains hazy at times and continues to be prone to  ... more

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