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University Teaching

Our university teaching offers include a range of courses all of which have already been delivered in first tier academic institutions at undergraduate and graduate level. You can find a selection of our taught courses below and please do get in touch under if you would like to discuss options to collaborate with the Humanistic Management Center on delivering specific courses or also in case you are looking for advisory services for your curricula development.

Stakeholder Dialog

University Teaching offer

The interaction of business and civil society

Stakeholder Dialog

Especially since the 1980s, large corporations have become strong actors that actively use their influence to impact the rules of engagement in the global economy. Simultaneously public interest in the ethical dimensions of corporate conduct has risen  ... more
Impact Investing

University Teaching offer

Redefining the meaning of return

Impact Investing

Impact investing has made big waves lately but what conceptual underpinning is really behind the terminology? This and many more related questions are being answered in this course. ... more
Paradigms of Economic Ethics

University Teaching offer

Economic ethics from Plato to today

Paradigms of Economic Ethics

Economics has always been inspired by moral and political philosophy. Throughout its long history (from Plato up to date), economic thought has, for instance, been oriented at differing intellectual paradigms (biological, historical, mathemat ... more
The Makings of Humanistic Management

University Teaching offer

The three stepped approach of humanistic management

The Makings of Humanistic Management

The Humanistic Management Center advocates a paradigm shift away from economistic views on market activities towards a humanistic approach. ... more
The Evolution and Current Debate in Development Thinking

University Teaching offer

What is development and what makes development good?

The Evolution and Current Debate in Development Thinking

When development economics emerged as an independent field in the post-1945 years, the answer to the question what the makings of development are was rather simple: Development equals GNP growth. ... more
Humanism in Business Book Series

University Teaching offer

Lectures on individual works from, or the overall book series

Humanism in Business Book Series

The Humanism in Business Series at Palgrave Macmillan is a series of books that aim to further our knowledge and provide a collaborative platform for research into humanistic management. ... more

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