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Bridge Builder Bulletin No. 3, October 2013
Bridge Builder Bulletin No. 3, October 2013

Journalistic and Miscellaneous

Article in Bridge Builder

Managing Unity in Diversity

The question of managing unity in diversity is central to the work of the Humanistic Management Center. In this contribution I aim to shed light on how we address the challenge of proposing neither a universalism that disregards contexts nor fall for the temptation of relativist indifference. We do so through a procedural understanding of humanistic management.

This short article in the magazine Bridge Builder of the Paris Based Common Good Forum outlines our procedural understanding of humanistic management in the context of managing unity in diversity.

In business as in many other contexts we need to realize that our world is far too rich in cultural, traditional, religious and spiritual diversity for one size fits all approaches to solve the ethical dilemmas we face. This shall however not lead us to relativistic views where the mere fact that a behavior is uncontested common practice, already suffices to legitimize it. To manage unity in diversity in business we propose a procedural understanding of humanistic management that is based on three interrelated dimensions. These are firstly that we as humans deserve and rightfully expect our dignity to be respected under all circumstances. Secondly, that ethical consideration must form part and parcel of business decisions and thirdly that actively embracing corporate responsibilities is contingent upon initiating and maintaining an ongoing dialogue with stakeholders.

Please follow this link to download the article (pages 6 - 7): Download-Link

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