Journalistic and Miscellaneous
IILA Newsletter Contribution
Master Level Course on Impact Investing
Impact Investing in Latin America (IILA) is a prominent actor in the Latin American Impact Investing scene based in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In the March 2015 edition of its newsletter we have been kindly asked to write a contribution on the Impact Investing course we are delivering at Master Level at the University of St Gallen in Switzerland.
The IILA and the Humanistic Management Center have been collaborating over the last years on the topic of Impact Investing and we were glad for the opportunity to write a short contribution to their Newsletter. In it you find a brief outline of the course highlighting its content, method and aims. We have also delivered this course at the Global Ethic Institute in Tübingen, Germany, based on creating a shared learning environment in which the students drive an activity based learning experience.
You can download the newsletter with the course description on page five here: IILA Newsletter March 2015: IILA as a network of strong partners
Please also visit our leaning area for further course information: Course offers
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