The Stakeholder Forum took place during the afternoon and commenced with a welcome address by the CEO of IKEA Switzerland before the IKEA Group Chief Sustainability Officer introduced the People & Planet Positive Strategy that forms the guiding framework for IKEAs sustainability efforts. This presentation was followed by the sustainability manager of IKEA Switzerland, demonstrating how the global strategy is translated into action within the Swiss market.
Those presentations by members of IKEA were geared towards informing the participating stakeholders on IKEAs activities in the sustainability domain. They were followed by a workshop with all participants where five themes were jointly developed for parallel round table discussions. Those topics were then analyzed by looking at the current situation as well as those factors that add complication or complexity before developing suggestions for sustainable solutions. The results of the discussions on all five tables were then presented to the plenum and discussed together with the IKEA Group Chief Sustainability Officer.
The event closed with an outlook and announcing that the Stakeholder Forum will be run as an annual event in the future. In addition IKEA is planning to establishing thematic workshops with stakeholders that are more focused on individual issues.