Past Events
Dayananda Sagar Business School, 8. - 10. December 2022
Corporate Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability
Corporate Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability play an ever-greater role in the success of business organizations. This certificate course is offered exclusively to Dayananda Sagar Business School.
The main driver for this transformation towards good governance for more sustainable and more ethical business conduct is the need to make better use of the productive powers of business in creating solutions for the challenges we face as a global community. Business can and ought to step up its efforts to make positive impact towards a more sustainable and more equitable planet.
This certificate course by the Humanistic Management Network is geared towards developing skills and attaining corresponding knowledge for responsible leaders. Participants will:
- Gain an overview of the main challenges we face as a global community.
- Develop a basic understanding on the topic of business ethics.
- Cultivate their leadership skills in the context of managing with integrity.
Enhance their presentational and storytelling skills.
8. - 10. December 2022, Dayananda Sagar Business School
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