Past Events
Frankfurt Airport, Germany, 28th April 2017
Business Ethics and Responsible Leadership
This event took place at the headquarters of Fraport AG, the Frankfurt Airport operating company as the kick-off event of the newly formed Business Ethics Division of the German Association for Sustainability and Environmental Management (VNU). The event was focused on the three core offers of our executive training brand Ethics First.
This event, titled Business Ethics and Responsible Leadership was the inaugural event of the newly formed Business Ethics Division of the VNU which took place on the 28th of April 2017 at the Frankfurt Airport headquarters of Fraport, one of the world's leading airport operators. This conference, organized by Klaus Schuler of Tripl3leader , provided us with the opportunity for an in depth exchange with executives on the three main topical areas that form the core offering of Ethics First, our Executive Training brand.
- Leadership 2020: As business is increasingly called to deliver on a triple bottom line, leaders will need to adapt to new complexities. In the future success will be defined much more along multiple dimensions.
- Success Factor Ethics: Ethical claims towards business are growing rapidly and are forming a new normal. Addressing the challenges we face as a global community holds great business opportunities for those who are ready to seize them.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Societal actors provide rich experience and knowledge that can be tapped by those who know how to establish mutually beneficial collaboration with Civil Society Organizations.
The event provided us with a rich insight and inspired discussions on business ethics and responsible leadership in the context of a Humanistic Management paradigm.
You can view an event gallery below and the program (in German) is available under this link: Wirtschaftsethik und Verantwortliches Führen
You can download the presentation on stakeholder engagement (in German) here:
VNU Event Stakeholder Engagement
28th of April 2017, Fraport Headquarters, Frankfurt Airport, Germany
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