Past Events
Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 4th, 2015
Lotte Social Impact Conference 2015
The Lotte Group, one of Korea's major business conglomerates invited to this one-day conference organized jointly with ARCON (Arts and Community Network) at the Lotte Hotel World in Seoul on November 4th 2015. The conference looked at various aspects of the social impact global and Asian business generates and highlighted the example of Understand Avenue a community development program by Lotte's duty free retail business.
The Lotte Group is a Korean Chaebol, one of the relatively small number of family controlled business conglomerates that dominate the Korean economy. Recently the Lotte Group has stepped up its efforts to enhance the positive social impact it generates through its core business activities. Aligned to these efforts the Lotte Social Impact Conference 2015 was geared towards creating a platform for exchange and learning on global and regional trends, examples and success factors in enhancing social impact through CSR activities.
Following a very warm welcome by Jin Sei So President, External Relations of the Lotte Group the conference saw a key note, five presentations and two panel discussions fabulously moderated by Sam Lee, CEO of InnoCSR.
- Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, Senior Fellow in Management Practice at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford and CEO of the Roosevelt Group gave a keynote on prudence and business
- Martin Neureiter, founder and President of the CSR-Company talked on ISO 26000 and both its relevance and value for business
- William Francis Valentino Professor for Health Communications at the Research Center for Public Health, Tsinghua University in Beijing, China talked about Asian specificities in CSR and the need to develop regional approaches to meaningful CSR engagements
- Kim Bo Joon, Marketing Director at Lotte Duty Free introduced Understand Anvenue a community engagement program by ARCON and Lotte Duty Free that is based on a series of container shops
- Ernst von Kimakowitz of the Humanistic Management Center subsequently talked on Global Business and the Sustainability Transformation with a specific focus on Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) as one building block for businesses to enhance their positive impact generation
- Sreenivas Narayanan of Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation (ASSIST) gave the final presentation on practical examples of development collaboration between businesses and the non-profit sector
Over 500 Participants, mainly management practitioners in significant executive roles, gathered for an impeccably organized event at the Lotte World Hotel where humanistic management ideas received an very warm welcome. It was a great honor and privilege to present at this Conference.
You can view our presentation here: Lotte Social Impact Conference 2015 - HMC Presentation
You can view a Focus News article on the conference (in Korean) here: Lotte Social Impact Conference 2015 on Focus News
You can view a conference announcement on the Lotte Group corporate blog (in Korean) here: Lotte Social Impact Conference 2015 on LOTTE Group corporate blog
You can view an announcement on Chosun News (in Kerean) here: Lotte Social Impact Conference 2015 on Chosun News
November 4th 2015, Lotte Hotel World, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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